Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Class Reflection

This class is perhaps my favorite English course that I’ve taken over 4 years of high school. I say this because it is the only one where I’ve been able to write how I want. Last semester for example, I was in Media Literacy, and all of the writing that we did in there was very formulaic- intro paragraph, three body paragraphs, conclusion. The same goes for almost all of the other English classes in high school, sadly enough. I really feel like this class has helped me shake off the whole AP style of writing, which is absurdly boring, not to mention the fact that it generally causes bad writing. I feel like this class has really helped me hone my ability to write with my own voice, rather than the weird, abstract academic voice that I have to write with for other classes. The things that I found most interesting were the projects that we did at the beginning of the semester, and at the end, namely, the memoirs and the final satire project. I enjoyed these because they were the most open ended assignments, and because I enjoy casual writing more than I do formal writing. Other than deadlines in general (woops), the things that I had the most difficulty difficulty with were the short story and the poetry projects. For one thing, I’m not very good at thinking of original ideas for a story or the like, and I also was never a huge fan of writing poetry or fiction, but I do think that learning how to do it and actually writing some of my own poems and a short story was an interesting experience, though they may not have been the best pieces I’ve ever written. I’d say that my favorite assignment that we did was the very first one- the Ten Things About Me assignment. I really enjoyed this assignment because it really gave me a feel for the type of class that Creative Writing was going to be, and how it was going to involve the sort of writing that I enjoy. It was also pretty amusing to hear everyone’s favorite curse word in a classroom environment, seeing as that’s something that 99% of teachers simply wouldn’t tolerate, not to mention assign and give points for. Overall, I’d say that I really enjoyed this class because it was a nice break from standard English classes, and it was also a good time to get better at the sort of writing that I like. In addition, the other people in the class were all really cool, which made this class even more fun.

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